
Open Mic

A True Conversation Starter

  • Origins: Huila (Colombia), Yirgacheffe (Ethiopia) and Huehuetenango (Guatemala)
  • Verification:
  • Producers: Amigos de Santa Ana, Bonde Wet Mill, Asociación de Apicultores y Caficultores (AAPICAFI) and Associación de Apicultores y Caficultores de Unión de Cantinil (AAPICUC)
  • Tasting Notes: Just like three singers finding perfect harmony, our Open Mic blend brings together the bright notes of Ethiopia, the sweet soul of Colombia and the smooth grace of Guatemala. Each morning, this light roast performs its gentle symphony – citrus sparkles like morning sun, brown sugar adds its sweet warmth and milk chocolate the smooth, comforting finish.

Contact us for wholesale inquires.

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