Guatemala — AAPICUC and AAPICAFI

About The Farm

In the highlands of Huehuetenango, where the air is crisp and soil is rich, the inspiring story of Asociación de Apicultores y Caficultores de Union Cantinil (AAPICUC) and Asociación de Apicultores y Caficultores (AAPICAFI) emerges as a testament to the transformative power of innovation, community and harmonious coexistence with nature. AAPICUC and AAPICAFI, established in 2013, embody the perfect marriage of two passions – coffee cultivation and beekeeping.

Organic premiums fund key advancements, such as wastewater pits and training programs. Fair Trade premiums support community projects, including food package distribution for healthy diets and waste collection initiatives for environmental stewardship.

AAPICAFI also champions gender equality, encouraging women to take on not only farming roles, but also leadership positions. Educational workshops empower women in the community, creating a ripple effect of growth and opportunity.

These associations exemplify the spirit of connection, proving when coffee growers work hand in hand with nature and one another, extraordinary results follow.

About The Coffee

Producer: 100 AAPICUC producers and 24 AAPICAFI producers

Country: Guatemala

Region: Huehuetenango

Elevation: 1,300 - 2,000 meters

Varietal: Catuai, bourbon, caturra and pache

Process: Fully washed

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