Espresso Instructions
1:3 ratio
Brewed using finely ground coffee under high pressure, espresso is the heart of the café experience.
You’ll need:
- Espresso machine
- Espresso-specific grinder
- 18-gram portafilter basket
- Tamper
- Timer
- Shot glasses
- Gram scale
- Clean towels
- Freshly roasted coffee
- Remove the portafilter and wipe it dry. Grind roughly 18 grams of coffee to a consistency that is slightly coarser than powdered sugar.
- Level the grounds bed by tapping gently on the side of the basket.
- Tamp once, straight down, until the coffee stops compressing. Wipe and clear the rim of the portafilter basket of any loose coffee grounds.
- Rinse/purge the group head for one to two seconds. Insert the portafilter and brew immediately into pre–warmed shot glasses.